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A Message From Our CEO

A statement on racial inequality and justice from our CEO

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GoodHire is committed to making the world more inclusive and equitable by facilitating fair hiring, enabling candidates to share context for their background check records, and advocating for ban-the-box laws nationwide.

On behalf of the employees at GoodHire, I want to express my sadness and outrage at the recent killing of George Floyd. The event, in isolation, was horrific. But, even more profoundly, it shines a spotlight on the fear and injustice our African American neighbors, friends, and colleagues face because of the color of their skin. And, unfortunately, it reflects the systemic racism that is so deeply ingrained in American society. 

At GoodHire, we believe that the status quo is unacceptable, and that racial justice is a moral imperative. And, we are determined, as an organization, to do our part to help make the world more inclusive and equitable. 

From the launch of GoodHire, we’ve aimed to do our part to bring fairness to the hiring process—requiring that 100% of candidates get access to the same data their employers see; introducing a way for candidates to share more context to their background records; and advocating for ban-the-box laws across the U.S.  

There’s certainly more we can do. With that in mind, we’ve decided to recommit to our GoodHire for Good program. Seven years ago, the Company founders launched the program to lend a voice and support to organizations helping people with criminal records—many of whom are people of color—get jobs and start their lives anew. In recent years, we’ve let the program languish, and that was a mistake. 

Consequently, we’re creating a new GoodHire for Good team. I’ve asked Ellen Perelman, our CMO, and Elizabeth McLean, our General Counsel, to lead it. The team is tasked with identifying ways we can make a difference in the fair chance hiring movement and will report back to the Company with their action plan.

I believe strongly that even though we’re a business, it’s our responsibility to pay attention to more than the bottom line. In that spirit, we are committed to using our voice and influence to fight against racism and injustice. 

Mike Grossman, CEO


The resources provided here are for educational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. We advise you to consult your own counsel if you have legal questions related to your specific practices and compliance with applicable laws.

About the Author

Mike is CEO at Inflection, GoodHire’s parent company. He brings more than 20 years of both entrepreneurial and enterprise experience to the company, including leadership positions at Intuit and Johnson & Johnson, and board roles at Borders and Quicken. He holds an A.B. in Economics and a J.D. from Harvard University. 

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